
We’re surrounded by beauty; some obvious, some hidden, some symmetrical some chaotic, some natural, some man-made, some large, some small, some complex, some simple, some familiar, some strange. Photography for me is about the pursuit of capturing that beauty to share. Photography is both an art and a science, it’s not just about finding a subject and clicking the shutter it’s about understanding the camera as a tool and the film/image as a medium, and the relationship of light and time in the final product. There is a formula and technique when you understand how to apply the technique and fine tune the formula magic can happen.


Some things that inspire me are; symmetry in nature, unique architecture that tells a story, modern design, engineering and the relationship between form and function, mountains, good House music played at high volume in the open air, the power of individuals creativity when given the correct conditions, the smell of the desert after it rains, summertime in Southern California, lakes and rivers, sunsets in the city, sunsets in the country, sunsets anywhere, solving problems using technology, road-trips, good coffee, good wine, good friends, good conversation.


I shoot Fujifilm X-Series using a XT-1 body and primarily fast XF Prime glass 

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